
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

When It Rains, It Pours!

It's such a true statement, "when it rains, it pours." I'm not quite sure what the original context was supposed to be when people started saying it, but for me, today, it's certainly not a good thing.

Today it felt like it one bad thing happened, a million bad things happened!

I suffer from chronic migraines, and I'm on a preventative medication that takes down their frequency and severity, so no more 3-5 migraines a week!

Well today was the first time one had hit in a week and a half (my longest migraine free streak in months!) and it hit me while I was in town. It started as a headache during mass tonight and so after mass I took some Tylenol. I then went to my faith study, and it became a migraine. It was brutal!

I should probably mention that I do not have a car with a working heater (which means no heat, no defrost, nothing). So before I could leave I had to scrape ice off the outside, AND inside of my car windows. My windshield then wanted to keep fogging up and the only way o stop it is to roll down the window and put the fans on full blast (remember its only blowing cold air) I then had to keep a scraper on the passenger seat to keep taking the ice buildup off the inside of the windshield just to get home.

Also, another fun fact. I have this uncommon condition where I break into welts where the cold hits me. It's actually an allergy to cold temperatures much like people who are allergic to the sun. So, in order to keep warm, I had a blanket over me and rapped around my legs to keep me warm. My feet however, still froze.

So when I get home, I'm frozen to pieces and want to hop under my electric blanket, but I have a migraine and want an ice pack on my head, except I'm too cold.

Rough night. My day was good but this night just kinda ruined it all. I will get some sleep tonight, and tomorrow when I'm hopefully migraine free, (and trapped at home because I refuse to take my car anywhere now) I will blog about the good things!



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