
Friday, July 13, 2012

Anxiety Attacks

Going to see a therapist has been one of the best decisions of my life. She keeps telling me that we're going to dive further into the deep dark places of my life and all I can say is Bring It!!

I have always been a person who suppresses my emotions and that was how I coped with much of my school years and all the bullying. I thought I was doing a really good job too.

Until this week, speaking to my therapist how emotional release is how the body rebalances itself. Without that release your body will find release in other more serious ways such as depression, anxiety, and fibromyalgia.

That was the point I stopped her and made her explain herself.

Are you telling me that all these years or suppressing my emotions is likely the cause of my anxiety attacks?

The good news is, now that I know where it likely comes from, I can work towards undoing the damage and becoming anxiety free!

Now I just need to learn some new coping mechanisms and how to get a more natural emotional release!

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